Monday, November 16, 2009

Denise Milani Transparence

Buenos products used: Blogger, Ning, Picasa, Skype, SlideShare, Tripod (what are they and how are they used?)

computing and information technology progress, and regularly arise new products, many of which are extremely user friendly, extremely easy to install and use. Furthermore, products that already have at least five or ten years of being released to the market, are improved over and over again, adding functions, and simplifying use.

Since the Hispanic community unfortunately has some delay in the use of Internet and application of new products, about what is happening in the community angófona and even for what happens in the Francophone community, since we Digimundo concerned with developing several blogs in English aid to the use of widely used software products, which marks our experience as good or very good.

then the list of those products that we highlight here, with the respective addresses for blogs Digimundo support for users with little experience.

(1) Blogger: Building personal blogs.

(2) Ning: Development of personal web sites, cooperative networks and personal.

(3) Picasa: Photo Albums.

(4) Google Sites: Construction and Design personal web site.

(5) Skype: Universal Communication telephone chat-voice-sms-text-image in real time.

(6) SlideShare: Publication of digital presentations and textual electronic documents.

(7) Tripod / Lycos: Development of web sites.

(8) Wikipedia Encyclopedia online digital co-edited by the users.


Below is a list of these same eight new products, but now indicating the electronic address for access to the products themselves or the address to access the home page or cover products.

(1) Blogger: Building personal blogs.

(2) Ning: Development of personal web sites, cooperative networks and personal.

(3) Picasa: Photo Albums.

(4) Google Sites: Construction and design of personal web sites.

(5) Skype: Universal Communication telephone chat-voice-sms-text-image in real time.

(6) SlideShare: Publication of digital presentations and textual electronic documents.

(7) Tripod / Lycos: Development of web sites.

What's The Number On A Burton Snowboard?

Skype: Add a contact

Well, in previous articles described Skype product, and have given very basic instructions for the user to make their first steps in using this system.

All Skype functions are simple understanding, and very easy to run.

For example, a practice mode, this will indicate the procedure to add a contact.

As expected, this procedure is initiated by enabling the "New Contact" from the "Contact".

In the state which is reached, to locate a contact who already have a Skype account, you will find the same setting (a) or Skype user name, (b) or names of who search, (c) or e-mail who are looking for. When you activate the Search button, the system will signal the user or with the characteristics described above, and from there the user will retain the contacts you want to set. As can be seen, the procedure is extremely simple and intuitive.

course and for the added touch is secure and operational, the user invoking timely must accept the invitation.

Yoga For Spine Surgery

Skype: Logon and the first steps

Okay, once installed Skype on the computer itself, and if the user already has a personal Skype account, start a session is very simple to implement.

Indeed, for this sufficient to activate the Skype program, through the icon that is probably Desktop, or through the Programs menu present on the computer.

After this action will be presented a table entitled "Welcome to Skype", which invites set the skype username and corresponding password, after which it will activate the button "Login". As can be seen, there is nothing strange in this proceeding, and everything is going as usual in good general-purpose products. Fulfilled

newly established bodies, you will enter a box that has a great similarity with Messenger type programs, and certainly give no more headaches or even less experienced users.

For example, the menu of options and offers, contains entries which will then be shown: (1) Skype (2) Contacts, (3) Conversation, (4) Call, (5) See, (6 ) Tools, (7) Aid. Naturally

tools and Skype commands are simple to understand and use, and with practice users probably will acquire a good command over them.

One more. It might happen that you wish to add another Skype user to the system, or installing the computer system in any user account has been registered.

Obviously, these circumstances are provided. Indeed, in the dialog box titled "Welcome to Skype, there is also a link which reads" Do not have Skype user name? " Activating this link naturally to add a new user name to the system.

In fact, after activating the link above, will emerge a new dialog box titled "Create a Skype account." There, in that picture, should be established the following principles: (a) user's full name (first names and surnames), (b) Choose the user name (nickname or name set to the user will be known as Skype) (C) Password, (d) Repeat password; (c) Enable box "Yes, I have read and accept the license agreement and privacy policy Skype. And once defined these five items, you must activate the button Next. "

In the new state is continued to the next page of the dialog box "Create a Skype account, and there are calls to establish (1) an email address to be associated with the new Skype account as well as were asked to define (2) the country or region you reside, and (3) the City of habitual residence. In this instance also asked to define two boxes of choice, (4) "To receive latest news from Skype", and (5) "Log this user automatically. Once these requirements, you must activate the "Connect" button.

In this situation, if you do not have any problem, the new user account will be established and become operational.

How To Build A Mini Bike

Skype: Skype installation

For a user can define your Skype account, or you can access previously created a Skype account, you must install this product in the computer being used.

installation or load Skype on a personal computer is free and open, and obviously this procedure is very simple to achieve. Thus, it must begin to activate the email address indicated below.

As a result of this action opens a window with the Skype logo, window or table also contains information of interest on this product, as well as a button lets start the download or installation of this system geared to online communication.

Well, that's it, because once turned on the install button, the following procedure is automatic, and if you have difficulties or are required to define options for the user, these incidences are promptly reported to the appropriate user through dialog boxes.

In this instance, the user can define a personal account on Skype, procedure and guidance is offered as usual.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Smoked Homemade Sausage

Product: What is, and how is it used?

Skype is a product that has a purpose and an application similar to the instant messaging, and has even tried to provide this innovative product commands and menus that remember names and functions which found in Microsoft Messerger, or Yahoo Messenger, or other similar products oriented chat, instant communication-oriented text, voice and text, voice and image, and so on.

Sure, Skype has powerful features for what may be called the second generation of products designed to chat, communication-oriented real-time. Obviously Skype also added new functions, such as for example the chance of working as a phone, or so from the computer itself could make and receive calls to and from mobile phones or conventional landlines.

Skype is certainly provides all the usual services of both the telephone system as instant communication programs listed above, and including voice mail, video calls, SMS text messages, definition connection status, password, user profile, address book, call waiting, mute and unmute microphone, hang or terminate communication, sound settings, video settings, and so forth. And of course Skype allows communication between other Skype users with accounts, but also has convenient interface with the old systems of communication in real time, in addition to the aforementioned interface with mobile and traditional fixed telephony.

In terms of fees, the installation of Skype on the computer itself is completely free of charge, and some user services are also free while others are pre-paid or under contract.

Installing Skype on the computer itself, creating a user account, and the operation of this product, certainly are very simple and intuitive. Nevertheless and as may be people with very low rating of IT and computing, this blog will more instructions and tips in the hope that they serve to solve most problems that occur to users Skype.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Deputy Travis Junior Costume Reno 911

The Sixth Sense

The dogs senses used on a selective basis. This means that if the tracking has enabled the smell and the others are off by saying them in some way. To forward this concentration we call the dog several times, raising his voice, until the hearing and active listening. So there are times when the dog does not come to our call, that is totally focused on the trail. Us when we read we are doing something similar, and may not hear that others are saying or just the background music that we have set.
Regarding canine sixth sense I think it is more than a great sensory perception internal or external. They see our aura, the world in a way and we another. So we are surprised every day with stories of cats who have returned home without knowing the way back, dogs have been abandoned and returned to their owner even if it takes several months, detect diseases, know when their owner is coming to home long before we're one block, etc.
The explanation from my point of view is that as they have a very strong smell and sense the energy, all around us smell something and has energy to them, should smell cancer, sadness and depression also must have some kind of smell that humans can not detect. We know we live in a direction, for example May 25, 1500, for the dog here is a set of odors and stimuli that we do not grasp, vibration, etc. That is why they always come back home but do not know the exact address. When an earthquake will occur, surely there are plenty of early warning signs animals sense, for humans it goes unnoticed, so it is common for any future catastrophe to animals and left the scene much earlier. Another clear example is the ants is said that when ants are foraging for food like crazy, rows and rows of ants coming and going everywhere is because soon it started to rain. We often also observed in the rain with the famous "smell of rain" long before it happens. Cesar Millan (The Dog) said the dog world is all energy, which they sense the human energy (our aura ), everything is energy for them. Are charged with this energy, so as he has that strong and positive energy dogs happy ending to their knowledge. The guide dog body language, we, too, but very slightly. eg women's intuition always say, why? Because women tend to be more perceptive than men. Ever happened that you are thinking of someone and just what the phone? Or you're walking and meters you see a person and knows that something is going to ask you when you come. This is perception (what the phone can be a perception beyond our known senses), we are reading the body language of the person without realizing it. There are people trained in job interviews that are able to detect any sign of a lie just observe the body language . The eyes and our body language not lie and I think the dog knows that. Finally not think there's anything unexplainable the so-called sixth sense canine, or animals, they have other ways of perceiving and everything and is impossible for us to detect things. The problem is the human who is believed to be top of this planet and as we can not detect these things say it is something mystical or paranormal, all we want to give a logical explanation, scientific or understand all the reasoning, the animals are far superior to us, that is the key to understanding their behavior. we believe we domesticate animals, and they were the ones we loved and domesticated us.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ode To A Builder Poems

dog your dog's age

The appearance of a dog can give us an idea of \u200b\u200bhis age. The young dog is happy, agile, lively look and shows his affection in a lush. Always on the move has a good appetite and his fur shows in its highest degree the characteristics required to race. Over time these factors are evolving, dynamic decreases, the dog lost or gained, the waterfall makes its appearance, the face is thin, the fangs or canines become more outgoing, the spine loses hair and movements become heavier. In black-haired breeds, they begin to appear white hairs around the eyes. The feet look longer and nails grow faster. The appearance can deceive in trying to determine the age, because if the dog had a proper diet, no feed or food commercial , only natural food your look will give fewer years of it really is. Do you want your dog to look young?. Change the think or commercial food by natural feeding. The best way to determine the age of a dog is observing its teeth, especially incisors (are those between fangs or canines ), six pieces in each jaw. These incisors appear to be a three-petalled flower. Yearly these incisors retain all the whiteness, and flower shows no wear. Two years incisors of the lower jaw appear worn. After three years in the upper jaw central incisors appear worn. At five years, these teeth look like a flower without petals. From this approximate age we begin to be guided by the appearance (remember that if you think your dog ate in his life, look younger). The fangs or canines are rounded over the years. This is to determine the approximate age, and dogs that eat a lot of bones and stones can play with their teeth wear faster. Tartar and yellow teeth is not the fault of old age but a poor diet. Do not brush your teeth, give him raw meaty bones and they will do the work for you. giving our dog a good diet, exercise, regular visits to the vet, came to adulthood with a youthful appearance that will be envied by other dog owners.

Related entries
puppies teeth
The commercial food is poison
natural food Benefits

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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Why dogs roll in fecal matter? Fleas and ticks

All dog we have ever happened to us, or we happen very often . We are happily walking our dog and suddenly disappear again a few minutes and when everything is full of stool because he rolled in it, rotten smell (for dead animals), all green (stool cows, horses), and his face more than happy!. The answer to this behavior are varied, but the culprit leading us, because we bathe the dog, perfumed with a scent that is not natural for them. What would you do if you get a perfume that does not like? Sure try taking it out anyway.
dogs smell like dog
not human imitation perfumes. Also dogs are recognized by smell, when I finish my dogs bathe automatically start sniffing dogs like two strangers. Some theories on why dogs roll in dead animals and everything they encounter are: to camouflage his position and not being found by predators, they do it to smell good (they choose to wear perfume) to inform the rest of the pack position, or simply as a type of insect repellent.
dogs roll in things besides eat them too nauseating, eg
human feces of cats of cows, horses . Why?. Just because we eliminate waste or cats that are very nutritious for dogs, horses and cows in their waste are digestive or help the dog to purge (vomit or expel something they can not digest). In the wild dogs consume almost all the animals they hunt, such as a bird, feathers unless they eat everything and this includes viscera and intestines where is the stool.
To avoid this behavior as unpleasant for us, watch your dog during walks and as soon as you start to tour on ducking his head somewhere, distract or call it, but again assured that perfumed.
not get angry or hit your dog because this behavior is normal as well as it is challenging when you return, re-interpreted as his master was the reason for the challenge. Other entries

As bathe your dog
As walking his dog
Why have a dog


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How To Program Remote Montero Sport

Flea: The Flea is one of the most dangerous insect which must be protected your dog. Cause weight loss and fur, skin diseases spread. This pest is difficult to fight because they lay thousands of eggs that remain dormant biding their time incubating heat and humidity. You may think your dog is free of fleas , like your house but they can appear out of nowhere with suitable climatic conditions. When it detects the presence of fleas on your dog , attend to your veterinarian and give you the right product on the market there are many, for example, powders, liquid to bathe the dog flea shampoo , pipettes, etc. Check your dog in the armpits, abdomen, often areas where fleas are housed .

Tick to s : vampires are the dogs. The female is usually larger in size than the male. When removing a tick have to be careful not to leave the head in the dog. With some hot (just off a match) touch the tick and often fall alone. If you use any product not try them out, fall alone. It is suggested that the dog stays out of the house once the product is applied (pipette) because otherwise the ticks fall inside the house.

not apply flea and tick products for your dog without the advice of your veterinarian


Friday, April 3, 2009

Sample Post Nuptial Agreement For Michigan

years have passed almost without noticing account and we were surprised to find that our dog , our faithful friend of every day, is sick, but a disease that has no cure, the disease that puts an end to our lives, age. Suddenly note that our dog breathe hard after a light exercise, that their movements are so quick, that makes a real effort to please us and he is sitting on its hindquarters, wags its tail on the ground and looks at us with a "fresh expression" of love and feeling, as if to say: "Sorry, sorry ... but I can not anymore." And the truth breaks through in our minds and we are ashamed of our blindness, our selfishness. How is it possible? How we have fallen before it?. The dog is rheumatic not see well, no hear well. And yet, there have not realized it until today, when these ailments should come dragging in a while. Our partner has been forced into hiding so as not to worry. Until the end has proved to be a true friend, hiding their ailments, leaving us in ignorance until the last moment, when the thing was so obvious that there was no way to avoid it. We are happy for your company, not recodábamos, maybe we did not want to remember that the dog life is shorter than human and inevitably, one day we would definitely say goodbye to him. As the years have passed! If it seems like yesterday when funny laugh, seeing the efforts of the cotton-ball that was our puppy to stand and take the first steps! All happiness is fleeting. Could we perhaps claim that the joy we felt with the company, affection and loyalty of our dog would last a lifetime? And in fact, lasted a lifetime: the dog.
Rest in peace our faithful friend!


Friday, March 27, 2009

Tender Breasts Overactive Thyroid

Aging Dog Dog found Barrio San Vicente. Canine Spay

People!, I found this dog in the San Vicente, if anyone knows who has lost CONTACT to 15608349. Thank you very much!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Template For Making Chocolate Cigarellos

A lot of pet owners to hearing about the sterilization of animals are terrified and start saying terrible things. No ego is at stake in humans, but the health of your pet. If ever in a field, you've seen everything animal that will not be used for reproduction is gelding. Our dogs if never going to be breeding should be sterilized by good health. With castration decrease unwanted behaviors and possible diseases.

In males: aggression, fighting, territorial marking with urine leakage, testicular cancer, prostatitis, frustration at not being able to ride bitches in heat.

In females, uterine infections, breast cancer, loss of zeal for life, unwanted litters.

It is advisable to sterilize dogs a year or so, or too young or too adult. Your pet will follow remain the same, the only behaviors that disappear are those related to hormones. The is simple surgery, males were removed the testicles (there are other more complex) and females uterus and ovaries. The recovery in the two cases is immediately takes less than ten days. neutered pets do not get fat , that's a myth, what happens to need less food and exercise course as always, obesity in dogs is the fault of the owners who are confined to four walls. Sacase head the idea that your dog will become more effeminate, and his dog will be more masculine, ie another myth. is better to sterilize your dog on time because when most adult must attend your veterinarian for all the diseases listed above and that castration will not serve for anything. Contact your veterinarian program together to learn and sterilize your pet. The sterilized pets have a better quality of life as they live longer.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Duffle Bag Washing Machine

Plants toxic to our pets

To decorate the house and give a natural touch, buy plants for our garden or indoor plants, not knowing that there are many that are toxic to our dog.
then discuss some that can affect our pets from mild intoxication to death. Plants are common (with showy) that most know or what they do now after reading the article.
Paradise (Melia azedarach L) produces dehydration, diarrhea, accompanied by sintomalogía nerve, muscle tremors, ataxia, respiratory failure, coma and death. This tree has a fruit similar to a pea.
Poinsettias (Euphorbia Pulcherrina Willd) is floor has latex, causes mild to moderate damage in the skin. My dog \u200b\u200bsuffered Weimaraner this plant. I had a shop pets, when I opened I got a lot of plants. Note that my dog \u200b\u200bwas swelling all over his face, the vet gave me anti-inflammatories, he went back and forth the symptom. I got to thinking and maybe it was something related to a plant and say on the key, threw it and recovered quickly. The vets do not have tools to detect this, depends on us to meet our pet and be alert to potential poisoning.
As the list is long and I take a long time, appoint and down all the photos to find the most common plants affecting dogs.
Poison Ivy (climbing), nettle, field laurel (death if not treated in time), yellow oleander, hydrangea (various colors) palette, difenbaquias, narcissus, Adam's rib, philodendron, azalea, croton , poke. There are surely many more, the most affected are usually the puppies, as some of the plants mentioned are only toxic if chewed or ingested, the other with just being present in the home can affect the dog.

If your veterinarian does not find that it is happening to your dog, be sure that any plant may be causing the problem.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Black Death Acrostic Poem

All we ever heard this term, but I honestly do not know if they will know what the problem is the root of this anxiety in the dog. The separation anxiety as its title suggests is when we leave the dog alone, for example when we go to work. What makes the dog when left alone?. Barks all the time, howling, destroying doors and windows to escape, he eats magazines, newspapers, make their needs within the home, etc. You may wonder why my dog \u200b\u200bdoes that every time I go? The answer is simple: the dog is the leader of herd and its function is to care for their subordinates, as these disappear suddenly the dog tries to escape as possible to know where they were and whether they are endangered, protected, this is the role of leader . The dog does not know that we went to work or carry out certain formalities, nor how long we'll be out, he just sees his herd, which must protect is gone. Also, without knowing we reinforce this behavior and we leave the food to be served at any time, as he gets food when he wants, it makes it leader yet. The separation anxiety is not a physical problem, or genetic, or your dog is sick psychologically, does only what nature taught him: to protect its followers . The only way to change and heal this is still our leaders, no drugs or anything that can cure this problem. The leader of herd come and go as you please, do not ask permission from their subordinates to leave, we said goodbye to the dog when we tell her: "I'll be back, I'm going to work", "wait for me to be right back", etc, that would ask permission to leave the dog. Another thing I commonly do is of a noisy environment (television, radio) we went to a quiet room, close the windows, and the dog is left alone in a totally different environment. So to start changing this, we must be the leader . Is not complicated, for example when the herd is always meet reaffirmation leadership, because when the pack leaves to hunt any member may not return, then would have changed the position of each in your herd if any superior died, someone must take its place. We do not go hunting, but we often absent from our dog and not just when we left home, when we went to bed and get up we're finding with our dog when we shower (I think that your dog does not wait in the bathroom ) and we went out with the dog, if you live out in the yard when we left we find the dog, etc. What to do when we find the dog? Just ignore it, and do not think my dog \u200b\u200bis not going to like me because I do not know ", hold at least 5 minutes until the dog calms down, do not talk, do not look and certainly not touch it. The dog can not follow us everywhere in the house as if it were a continuation we must respect our personal space, dogs that suffer separation anxiety are responsible dog owners. Just ignore the dog when it comes and goes, you will achieve much progress in your dog's destructive behavior. If you can not because you were born to be a follower and do not mind at all the behavior of your dog, get another dog, two dogs are easier to breed than one because when you leave they play and keep company.
And finally how would you feel if your child is two years away and do not know where it is? Other entries

logic herd
As being the leader of your dog


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where I Can Check Burton Cerial Number

Separation anxiety in dogs Zeal (continued)

As I see that this was one of the most read and commented entries, here I give you images that complement the following entries:

In the first image have the bitch's reproductive system, the second what would be a normal cycle in a bitch (this may vary according to race, but it serves to give us an idea ) and finally a table with the possible due date, remember it is about 63 days.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hot Big Boobs On Blinds

The zeal of the bitches I'm your dog

Many owners do not know or do not pay attention to the dog zeal and is an important time to be attentive and do not care if the dog can mate with any stray dogs or neighbor and bring unwanted litters that end up abandoned in public parks or some shelter dog. For this not to pass more and we can reduce this problem tell you a bit like the zeal bitches.
In order to understand better is the same as menstruation in women, of course with some differences.
Bitches in heat for the first time about 6 months to year, may extend a little more, but the first heat does not pass the year and some months. After every 5 or 6 months will repeat the cycle, meaning that a dog comes into heat 2 times a year. Some questions and answers.
"As I tell if my dog \u200b\u200bis in heat ?
The most visible sign is bleeding (the beginning is a cream color with the days you have to make more red) the dog's vulva swells to twice its normal size, the dog is more affectionate, follows us whole house, your appetite increases the days before the start of the heat.
"How long does the heat in the dog ? The approximate duration is 21 days and bleeding can take all this time and finish around 10 days.
"My dog \u200b\u200bmay be pregnant ? If you do not want to be pregnant it is more advisable in such cases is to care for your dog and not bring it to public places during those three weeks, if your bitch grabbed a male in this period is likely that this breeding.
"When the dog cross ? If you want your dog to have puppies when the dog is fertile from about day 9 (day 1 taking as the start of bleeding) at day 17 is when the bitch is receptive and accepts the male. If you lost track of the days you can pet your dog against the grain near the tail, if the bitch runs to the side, will be receptive.
" As mating? Suppose that the bitch is receptive and accepts the male. The courtship is a series of steps, to be sniffing dogs, the dog turns around and sniffing the vulva of the bitch to confirm that is in heat, after it tried to mount it, at first the dog can run but not rejection as it is for the meters and invites him to sit still and running male tail aside. Also mark the whole male urinating everywhere. Once produced the mounts as shown in the picture, there is the so-called budding or knot , dogs get stuck. This budding may take about 10 minutes to an hour, it's normal, do not panic or attempt separlos because it can hurt. The dog may cry, mourn when mated also normal. Concluding this asearan dogs licking their genitals. For a service is good should be repeated at 48 hours. "I look pregnant
? It is best to take her to the vet to check whether it. There are many methods, ultrasound, x-rays, etc.. Get advice from your vet if you want to confirm the pregnancy.
If you do not want to go to the vet, some behaviors may indicate pregnancy as morning sickness, abdominal swelling occurs around 30 days from first service, which will be more evident with the passage of time, increased appetite, the dog becomes more loving, sensitive, etc.
"How long is the gestation ? This is rough but walks about 63 days from the first service.
not always the bitch becomes pregnant but everything has gone well. There are many causes of infertility, you should consult your vet to find a possible motive. It sometimes happens that the dog express all the symptoms of pregnancy and not this, this is called pseudopregnancy is something normal that happens to the dogs after each heat, have been covered or not, is conduct that have inherited of their ancestors the wolves. In a herd of wild bitches meet the role of surrogates in the event of maternal death in childbirth, or simply to help with raising large litters. Remember

: The zeal of bitches lasts 21 days, you may be pregnant from day 9 to 17, and pregnancy lasts about 63 days.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Average Mpg Of Minivans

This would be what thinks the dog is not necessary attention from their owners.

You sometimes do not you realize beautiful everything around you, you sleep more than necessary and not remember me.

If you got up early and open your window and you saw how beautiful this day, we could get a little park or plaza, or could change the water that is hot, dirty and the container filled with moss or give me something nutritious breakfast, not want more pills these colors!
despetastes you, close the curtains, now yes, you will find the beautiful day is ! I thought, but ... I said nothing, looked out with eyes gone, and rose quickly without thinking loving what I expected.
I saw you move swiftly to and fro, looking for clothes that would get you started .... another day ... I wanted to talk to you, even a bit, tell you that I loved was going to accompany you during the day, if you wanted to go for a walk ... but after all these chores and were heading to work. You went a bit quiet and sad, I can make you happy!, I thought.
Back home, a little tired ... you got to watch TV ... your wife and children gave you good night and went to sleep happy ... if you had asked ... who cared for my wife and kids today? I would have responded
happily ... I your dog
All day you wait, but when I saludastes llegastes even now, we could have spent some time together, I would have remembered that God gave a commandment that says, "love to animals as yourself, "ahhh fulfilled if the man! On your TV news had just ... Stretch out your hand and thought, "now take the leash that is saved and we go for a walk, but no, the switch, just turn off the lights and gone to sleep .

I was thinking about you all the día.y longed for your company ... I love you and I know a lot ... one day you will come to me ... I'll be waiting and we will enjoy a loving relationship, which begins here and will never end.
, dream quiet to ensure your dream, I'm me because I love you and am your dog.

The dog is not a figurehead, needs attention. If we do nothing for him every day will be equal, and one day we will hear more of their barking and running we will be looking for another puppy to give the same routine and boring life. Do something for your dog , he does every day.


Friday, February 27, 2009

American Women Vajina

Sunday, adopted a Sunday

As all will I read in my profile City Olavarria, left town in the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina), its population is slightly over 100,000. Olavarria is a beautiful city, is positioning itself in the region, but is something that I never liked: his quartermaster ruling for 20 years with a hiatus in the middle, never liked dogs, and fewer street. Instead of taking a final measure as the mass castration kennel is motivated to go out at night when everyone slept over-hunting of stray dogs were also victims dogs with owners who release him for a while. Were not expecting in the kennels the owner will claim they were abused and murdered. It was also said in the city that were given to the circus to feed the animals. From time to time the city was "clean" of dogs and their proud mayor. Since the mass is powerful people got together and started to protest, to form associations to protect this animal and accompanied by the province banned the killing of dogs and kennels (in the city was working a while longer, despite the ban). Shortly after the city came new dogs. For my work I walk dog walking everywhere and I wonder: Do people not see? Did not help?. We are more than 100,000, if each of them took home a stray dog \u200b\u200bwould not exist in my city. The point is that by a month on the street I saw a beautiful dog, no one helped him, was totally ignored, people walked by without feeling anything, I looked and saw it was black with a scar in back, in poor but beautiful. He was about to adopt it (not to lack of place) when suddenly the miracle happened. So I can say that on Sunday 08/02/2009 was one of the happiest days of my life. This entry is dedicated to Romina and Damian, new parents of this fine specimen of Labrador (I was too skinny to detect race), who called Sunday to have found precisely on a Sunday. Damian and Romina are like everyone in this country, have to work hard to get some money, live well and give some pleasure from time to time. On 19/12/2008 They were the parents of a beautiful girl whom they named Emilia, the baby is almost two months and also have a beagle dog (Gina). with my girlfriend I was walking down the center path to a barbecue and just the dog we passed, we began to follow, not this time so bear with my girlfriend said, "Please be advised Romina and Damian ?, of course I said, call them and without hesitation said siiiiiiii! . Damian came to see the dog, which held my girlfriend cuddling and caring for that we are not escaping or follow someone in search of a home. Damien's first contact with Domingo says "Give me a paw" , the dog gave her, then "sit down" , the dog sat. Call some friends Emilio and Marta to take us to the dog in the van to her new home. The truck arrives and tell Sunday: "I went" , on the first attempt failed because it was too weak, the second attempt sprang to the bed of the truck. We got home and Sunday he met Gina (Beagle), could barely say hello how tired he was, ate some drink water and lay down, not giving more. Sunday knew I had found a home and that she relaxed and was able to take a break in their search for someone to adopt. In my city there are many associations and people who help animals all with their own resources, there is no municipal support. What I want to make clear in this post is that Damian and Romina did not hesitate at any time, they are learning to be parents with Emilia, work all day and did not have time hesitation in adopting this dog was helpless ignored throughout the city. Everyone should be like them in spite of his responsibilities, did not hesitate to add one more to their lives. We got engaged with my girlfriend to help in any way we can and make Sunday, a normal dog, bathe him, walk him, castrated, etc.. Olavarria is a beautiful city, but its inhabitants must learn a bit about what is the love of a stray dog, how it feels to rescue him, as you high self-esteem, how happy he is one from that moment and know that the look of gratitude that dog is for life. Damian, Romina, Emilia and Gina thanks for the commitment that took this past Sunday, nature can not yet abandoned animal, has much work to fight against humans, so needs more people like you. I send you a hug and thanks again for making this day is marked in my memory as one of the happiest of my life.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fabric Covered Belt Buckles

Rescuing lost

C all day sa sm i work low walker is to find the dogs, walk them and give them weary of their respective owners. On December 10, 2007, was no ordinary day, we were in the park with the dogs and we got to Arro me to drink water, to cool off, play, ultimately allowing them to be dogs. In this feel a cry, without hesitation I realized it was a puppy for help, look for a long time and found nothing, until I look to the shore and there she was, would at most 45 days, and trying climbing a cliff of more or less five feet, he could not leave the water ap ESAR of their effort. Not that time was struggling because there was a storm last night inc Reible windy, thunder and lightning. Does one have fallen into the water? I hope so, because I do not think there is anyone capable of throwing a puppy directly to water. The thing that fate put me in front of her, I bent down and told him where to go, the dog and try to understand me where I said and I could not. then I go to bed, throw my hand, co sa to the surface, and fatigue falls again to draw back and put it in the sun. I was all wet, crying and even had seizures, dry my shirt (shirt) and put it in the fanny pack (like a bag that has crossed, but small and is right in the kidneys, hence its name). We walked over an hour to deliver the dogs and get to my house and she was crying. When it's got the sun, I gave him milk and presented it to my other dog breed Weimaraner (Enya ). I decided to keep her as Enya needed company and they do not trust anyone to give it. Days passed and is awesome! could not describe how good it felt to me watch her play and eat and eat. Emma never doubt myself, if I could talk I would say saved me and I swear to always love and obedience . This is what gives us the dogs rescued. Also we got on self-esteem, make us better people, and make us feel proud of for life. As counsel to all who rescue dogs I say, forget about how they met, they live the present, it is difficult detached from the situation but they need us strong so that their recovery is complete. The example of this is my dog \u200b\u200bEmma, \u200b\u200bshe was drowning, and now no better than any Golden Retriever, (she forgot about the situation of how found it, I'll never forget is the one who rescued) Today Emma and takes a little over a year with me and Enya, we only have words of appreciation for her. All people who look the other way in these situations I ask: Can they lose so much love? What do they think when they lie down to sleep? Do not you feel remorse? What is your mission in life? And those who rescue dogs, the shelters that do everything possible to keep and place, I send a warm hug and congratulations. If there is a God in this world these are you .

Monday, February 23, 2009

Putas Mexicanas Follando

Emma Boxer

Boxer adult male tabby, was found wandering in the area of \u200b\u200bPark Arano (Cortes between 500 and 600). Look for their owners or someone who wants to adopt. Go through there, or contact the mail:

Example Of Card Stacking Propaganda

Why have a dog? The abandoned dogs

Having a dog is the best thing that can happen to a human being, we have a faithful friend for over 10 years, we will learn it and respect others dogs are the best medicine for sick people.

is an effective remedy against depression and that we will be responsible for it, all the needs of our friend will be covered by us, we will not have time to lock ourselves to get depressed because we have a new friend to take care of it.


does not leave you far from home, sedentary away because the dog needs exercise to which we also have to take a walk and our health should improve.

Do you feel alone? Forget the loneliness will always have someone to pay attention.

is single, divorced, widowed, unable to couples, looking for girlfriend / or the Internet nor get in that way, with a dog opens up a lot of ways, going to parks, plazas know many people who ask for your dog, plus if you're shy and have a theme to start talking: the dogs, as you probably know the love of his life happened to me. I watched a dog Weimaraner (LOLA) of friends who had gone to Spain for work, I left him 2 months, was again the subject of dogs, LOLA taught me a lot (from that day I knew that was my dogs.) When we were home always wondered: What do the two of us locked up? Let's meet people!

Then we started going to the park, we walked every day and 2 hours, get to start running to tire the dog but I get physically I lost so much weight since I got in line and also quit. In this dog breed Dalmatian (CAMILO) of a girl about LOLA and start playing, many people feel rejected because they think their dog is unique and could not play with any dog \u200b\u200bin the park, no worry if the other dog is dirty does not discriminate between them. Gone are the days the dogs were still seen, played, and we started talking every day more and more, today we are to meet boyfriend 5 years thanks to the dogs.

who says I do not like dogs is because they never had one.

Dogs live

their world, not ours, we can work very nervous and they will be waiting to greet us, lift our spirits and make us forget because we're so crazy about something that happened. Live in the present as do our dogs.

dogs do not transmit any diseases to humans, are all myths, fleas and ticks if the dog would prefer to live in the dog's body, not ours.

Dogs teach us respect for others, they do not discriminate against anyone, observe the dogs of the hobos (bums) of the insane, disabled people how happy they are with their masters.

You feel bad because his back hurts, difficult to walk, has a disability, how many 3-legged dogs get ahead? Look at the picture, he is Napoleon, has only two legs and on the same side and at least 15 years Do you see how low? Learn from them. The possession of a dog fix any situation that is more dramatic.

If you have children do not hesitate, a dog will make him a self-confident person, sociable and respectful toward others. Still wondering if the best thing for you is a dog? Quit running to a protective find the final remedy for their problems and always remember to post it saved his life.


Nadine Jansen And Milena Velba Locating

People who leave dogs have a personality disorder. I have a slight knowledge of the personality disorders because among other things, some I once wanted to be a psychologist. I dare to present a summary of what I think is an abandoned dog .

* These people are incapable of recognizing a different world themselves.

* They have a grandiose sense of self-importance.

* Fantasea with unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, and make an ideal love.

* is considered special and unique.

* Requires excessive admiration.

* Is your personal relationships, is the operator, takes advantage of others for benefits.

* lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize the needs and feelings of others.

* is envious of others and believes that others are envious.

* is arrogant, haughty and arrogant.

* False and treacherous.

is rapidly changing, going from love to hate immediately.

* Nothing full, once you have achieved something, then want something else.

* are in a state anxious all the time.

* They may abuse alcohol and drugs.

* can not fulfill their commitments, study leave, works in fact everything.

* degrade and insult the people quickly.

* Do not listen to anybody.

* suffered some form of neglect in childhood.

* Want your own space, which must be respected for proper living.

This is not scientific is my opinion based on some personality disorders as narcissistic and borderline.
