Friday, April 15, 2011

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GAUERMANN - Naturalist Painter - Miesenbach (Austria) 1807-1862



Gauermann Friedrich's letter of 1852 to his friend Friedrich Fink Wilhilm contains a lively account of a journey that is probably the basis of the actual painting:
"I made a trip through Styria, through Leoben, Kalwang, Rottenmann through the beautiful valley of the Enns to Aussee through Ischl Weißenbach and Unterach am Attersee, which delighted me, was truly heavenly!
This large, beautiful blue lagoon on one side faces the mountains - Höllengebirg, Ziemitz and Schafberg and Lawrence - and on the other, the fertile open fields with small villages and charming cottages. I must admit that I was completely happy and living here is very nice.
One night there was a thunderstorm, in which everything is reflected in the lake, which was remarkable! The nights were bright celestial! We went through Kammer, Schörfling, a nice route to Gmunden, Linz and the Danube. I started a painting based on my initial impressions. "

Gauermann Friedrich, painting underwent a remarkable transformation: intrinsic creative impulse behind his work was no longer in the fantastic imagination, but stemmed from the nature. The manifestations of the effects gave way to depictions of actual conditions and rich emotional scenes , were gradually replaced by simpler issues such as the return to a village at night idyllic landscapes, set against Sennhütte, or watch a steep peak in a distant valley.
In his later works, the activity led to a dependence of the breadth and beauty of nature itself to create an effect on the viewer. Gauermann proved himself a master of Luftmalerei (paintings that adorn the exterior walls of buildings), and these provide "genre" as he called them, a kind of family atmosphere
became image idealized. He was constantly in his native Austria with its breathtaking scenery Cloudy. However, Gauermann unrealistic. Since then painted his studies of nature, but never large paintings he created from his imagination, condensation and adding your own experience to scene. Gauermann method of creating a painting that was eighteenth-century painters: the pencil drawing surface followed by washing and line drawing, but after this the small oil study, which directly precedes the large painting - that the grid is indicated, is shown. However, these individual steps can not be compared with the developmental stages in a process of realization, because they are independent of another, but is continually enriched with new creative impulses. Each of these stages is based on its own source of inspiration, which makes independent entities and independent art form in all respects. Thus, the pen and watercolor in the collection belonging to the Prince of Liechtenstein, Vaduz-Vienna, shares the basic composition of this large painting oil painting , although with some discrepancies. The sheep and cows in the foreground are placed differently, not so compact. Horse and rider became toward the observer rather than presenting a back view. Animals and figures can be distinguished beside the boat in the right of the image. The most visible difference is, however, the sailboat in the open lake, which is totally absent from the painting. Dr.

Specialist: Dr. Christl Christl Wolf Lobo




Gauermann Friedrich (September 10, 1807 - July 7, 1862), Austrian painter, son of Jacob Gauermann landscape painter (1773-1843) , was born near Gutenstein Miesenbach in southern Austria.

His father wanted him to be devoted to agriculture, but the example of an older brother who died young, fostered his inclination toward art. Under the direction of his father began the study of landscapes, but copied the work of the best in painting animals, which were stored in the library of the academy and the court of Vienna. In summer art made trips through the districts of Styria, Tyrol and Salzburg.
Two paintings of animals exhibited at the Vienna exhibition of 1824 paintings were seen as remarkable for his age, and took him to receive their commissions in 1825 and 1826 of Prince Metternich and Caraman, the French ambassador. His reputation rose considerably thanks to his painting "The Storm," exhibited in 1829, and since that time his works were highly sought after and reached high prices. Your "Labrador" was seen by many as the most significant image on display in Vienna in 1834, and its many animal paintings have ranked as one of the best in the field.
The peculiarity of his paintings is the depiction of animal and human figures in connection with landscapes and situations appropriate to express features of nature as a living whole, and particularly excels in the representation of animal life scenarios mountain. Along with the great master of the technicalities of his art, his work offered a patient look and sharp, free and correct address details and a clean color. He died in Vienna on July 7, 1862.
Many of his paintings have been recorded, and after his death, a selection of 53 of his works were prepared for this purpose by the Austrian Kunstverein (The Union of Art).
In September 2007 the Austrian Mail issued a stamp commemorating the 200th anniversary of his birth

Austria honors the 200th birthday of the world Friedrich Gauermann known naturalist painter with an issue of stamps is a pictorial study of mountain wildlife.

Born in Austria, in 1807, Gauermann was primarily a self taught artist who traveled the Austrian Alps to learn the techniques of painting of the seventeenth-century Dutch landscape painters founded the naturalism of the landscape style of Vienna, but is best known for his work with detailed studies of the animals within landscape.

Release Date: September 20, 2007




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