Sunday, January 23, 2011

Microsoft Ce0560 User Guide

Ovid Murgia DE CASTRO. Galician painter. Lestrove (Dodro) 1871 - 1900 - Neoclassicism, Romanticism. ISAAC

TREES. Watercolor on paper. Private collection.

OURIER hamlet. Watercolor on paper. Coleccón particular.

CHURCH WITH TREES. Front. watercolor on paper. Private collection.

STORM AT SEA. Oil on canvas. Private collection.
WINTER LANDSCAPE IN THE SARELA. Oil on canvas. Diputación Provincial de A Coruña. A Coruña (Spain.)

LANDSCAPE PONTEVILA SANT XOAN DA DA COBA. Oil on canvas. Rosalia de Castro Foundation.

BETANZOS, APSE OF THE TEMPLE OF SAN FRANCISCO. Watercolor on paper. Private collection.

Sierra de Guadarrama. Oil on canvas. Museo de Bellas Artes de A Coruña (Spain.)

MARINA. Oil on canvas. Private collection.
LANDSCAPE. Oil on canvas. Caixanova Collection.


Ovidio Murguia de Castro (Lestrove (Dodro), 1871 -?, 1900) was a Galician painter. Son of the writer Rosalia de Castro, who inherited his artistic sense, and Manuel Murguia, left motherless at age 14 a fact that undoubtedly affect the evolution of painting.

started painting in Santiago de Compostela, the Real Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais, which was Professor Joseph Fenollera. Murguia appears linked to the intellectual core that brings together in La Coruña, a city where he exhibited with some regularity.
In 1895 he moved to Madrid, but does not follow the usual paths entering the Royal Academy Bellas Artes de San Fernando or requesting any pension for Rome, then little more than necessary for a career official.
Your relationship with novelist Lugín Alejandro Perez, whose home lies allowed to attend literary gatherings and interact with artists. Leaves the field, the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sierra de Guadarrama, painting natural scenery, and often goes to the Museo del Prado, where he made copies of old masters, to exercise the trade of painter.
known in Madrid that will be your protector, Eugenio Montero Rios and who owes the project for the decoration of the Palace of Lourizán in Pontevedra.
His father, ambitious man, he related to influential politicians of the period for which it has to do genre, much in vogue then, and wall decorations for their palaces. Ovid meet these orders, however reluctantly, until he decides to get rid of them completely and live happily, to the bohemian life that his poor health will not tolerate.
He attended some exhibitions, but its very short life is not allowed to curdle the work to which his temperament was undoubtedly intended. Representative
call generation "Suffering" addresses traditional themes very marked by the naturalist realist tradition in its first stage. It will, however, a crucial link in the renewal of the landscape where, as far away their chances of academicians lasts, start "painting from life", giving his paintings of great vital pulse, capturing an emotion that blends naturalism with the spirituality of Romanticism.
Ovidio Murguia paint contained in the museums of Galicia, especially in Pontevedra and La Coruna, where the most representative.
died prematurely of tuberculosis in 1900 with only 28 years old, a fact which later made it framed within the so-called Generation Suffering Galicia.

(Information obtained from Wikipedia)


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