Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Happened To C4 Brian Crete

Levites. Russian realism. Los street "- Kibartai (1861) - Moscow (1900)

I. Levitan. "Nightfall. Haystacks. " 1899 Isaac Levitan

died before reaching age 40 in 1900. During the last years of his life dominated by sunsets and twilights in his work, the moments in which nature becomes something mysterious and unreal. A reflection perhaps on the very nature of existence and a reflection of the deep feelings that dwell within the artist. And not only that because Isaac Levitan was known at the time as the man who could capture the soul of the Russian landscape in his paintings.

This work is part of the collection Tretiakov Gallery in Moscow.

I. Levitan. "Golden Autumn." 1895

This picture belongs to the late period in the work of Isaac Levitan. At this time the author leaves the darkest shades of previous works and goes to more cheerful and airy motifs. This contrasts with the artist's personal life that gives him no joy and also worsens the disease.

This work is part of the collection Tretiakov Gallery in Moscow.

"March." 1895
Levitan is the founder
psychological landscape that transmits a variety of poetic associations in paintings like " March", " Lago.Rus or" or "Golden Autumn ." The artist is noted for its openness to different states of nature and the fine nuances of his painting.

Note: This table and put it in a previous post, but I like so much ... (I referred to above, the horse, although I like the way too much.)

I. Levitan. "The Vladimirka Road." 1892

A theme recurring in the work of Isaac Levitan is the roads as a metaphor for life and human destiny.

Vladimirka was the way that the prisoners had to walk their way to Siberia. This work represents the culmination of the efforts of the artists of the 60 and 70 s. XIX not only express emotions, but a certain vision of life, through the landscape.

At the time the painter would not accept money for this work and gave it to Pavel Tretiakov.

This work is part of the collection Tretiakov Gallery in Moscow.

I. Levitan. "On Eternal Peace." 1894 Isaac Levitan

Tretiakov Pavel wrote about this work: "This work is my whole being with all my mind and content."

Perhaps this work reflects the outlook of Levitan on the promontory with the church and the cemetery abandoned appear to face the immensity of sky and water. Seems to convey the fragility of the human condition and the expiration of their passage through this world. The human being is born and baptized in that church. When I die will be the same church that held his funeral. Neither your memory will last as the cemetery is crumbling and many of their fallen crosses. While nature remains in the midst of all changes.

This work is part of the collection of Tetriakov Gallery of Moscow.

Source: Museo Ruso. Lives and Masterpieces of Russian painting.

LAKE Ruso. I. Levitan


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