Sunday, February 6, 2011

Small Truck And Best Fuel Efficiency

DEL PARK Collcerola. Manifestations of Altarriba Foundation.

The quiet hiss of arrows has led to the shooting spree and many people do not understand anything. Yesterday,
the next morning that the Government back off on the idea of \u200b\u200balleviating the overpopulation of feral pigs in the natural park Collcerola authorize based on night hunting with bow and arrow, many walkers were found with a shotgun whipped here I hope you against these animals. Can we kill pigs shot, but not arrows?, Is it a more civilized and compassionate than the other?, "John Hunter, yes, Robin Hood, no ?...... (Sunday 6-February-2011 THE COUNTRY-fragment of the news-

I thought it appropriate to publish these events Foundation Altarriba, following the recent events taking place in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCollcerola park, with wild boar and the actions of the authorities of this city. First
allow night hunting with bows and arrows in the park, because they believe that there is overcrowding and causing conflicts. Later Protective Association ADDA animal please do not use this method as cruel and painful game, they can easily be badly injured and survive days and with horrible pain until they die. We suggest alternative methods such as sterilization, relocation of these animals to other places where there are not. Let us not forget that forests are dirty, loaded of "brossa" and feral pigs are an excellent species that contributes to cleaning the forest and forest are burned by not cleaning as it was when people lived more in rural areas. Total
say that will change the method and now have gone hunting with shotguns and has made a great slaughter, this in the last news I know. Since then, our city is being covered with glory and everything not allocate a budget for the city animals and wanting to do things quickly and with minimal economic cost. Clarian. "In my view .- February 6, 2011



The City derives the killing of feral hunters

on the announcement that the city council has decided to convene the sector of hunting for wild boar hunts in Collserola, and that the extermination of these animals is done with bow and arrows, Altarriba Foundation wishes to express the following: 1.-That

indeed the presence of these animals in areas of vehicle traffic accident can pose problems. 2.-That

wild boar does not have staged altercations with citizens. 3.-That

many citizens, including children, who take the protection of these animals view the failure to respect the authorities, and the boar, in many cases, have been integrated without difficulty in the daily life of urban areas that come to eat.

4.-That the current proliferation is due, in great part to the introduction of domestic pigs for years, prompting a greater number of births and more pups, to benefit the sector benefited greatly as hunting, receives grants millions even in times of crisis.

5.-hunters did not know if the City charged for this work, or carried out so altruistic.

6.-That the continued degradation of habitat for wild boar especially urban planning, and the subsequent reduction of food, has been forced to find ways of surviving, of course, among them move to areas where they could feed or be fed. 7.-That

years raids take place in Barcelona in which these animals are killed, even lying to their caregivers saying that they simply are sedated for transfer to a better place, and sometimes they have done night and without notice to prevent citizens could stop the killings.

8.-That the same authorities have at no time had any interest in accepting the proposals for solutions made from animal protection, including control the population through sterilization and the creation of a protected area.

9.-That the City of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhose aim is to convey to the world a sustainable and modern city, is that killing these issues is held, and resorted to modern bows and arrows, leaving us all with shame of having to explain to national and international level, the difference between "what is said that he is", and "what is reality."

FINALLY, we attach the request for information made by our Legal Department: Peticición for information sent to "Cap de l'Àrea Hunting the natural environment", and the "Conselleria de'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Fishing, Food and Natural Environment." Given the flood of calls received, and as a person concerned in relation to the killing of wild boar with bows and arrows, we would need information about:

Why use this system? Have a great risk of suffering.

Do arrows contain an anesthetic?

What days, what times and in what specific areas will the shaking? People want that animal protection agencies confirm that the animals do not suffer, because that would be contrary to animal protection law itself.

If control has been carried out on the arrows to be used: 1. Have stability. 2. Good penetration. 3. Durability.

What experience have selected hunters?, And a bad shot can mean unnecessary suffering to the animal, and finally and most importantly

Did you ever have done a study on the human impact on the habitat of these animals, the degradation of its ecosystem, food shortages, and / or the scope of establishing a population control in a protected area, supported by the majority of citizens who care, and that puts Barcelona the sustainable city that claims to be, and not as a place where animals are hunted even with tools of the Middle Ages?

This information is required under the law 27 / 2006, which regulates the rights of access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters, and urge you to respond before shaking since then would make no sense. Article 5 General obligations of environmental information: 1 .- The public authorities shall perform the following actions:

d) ensure that its staff to assist the public in seeking access to environmental information.




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