Sunday, February 13, 2011

Snl Skit-john Goodman As Chris

SAIZ. (Matamorosa, Campoo Enmedio, Cantabria, 1853 - Madrid, 1898), "Realism, Naturalism Neoclassicism. Boars

moon. 1889. Oil on canvas. 40.9 x 54.2 cm. Casimiro Sainz work
Heading of blog: The guardian of the house.

Calle Santa Ursula. Toledo. 1879. Oil on canvas. 19 x 13 cm. Private collection. Santander.
door Alfonso
VI in Toledo. 1877. Oil on canvas. 24 x 14 cm. Private collection. Madrid.

During these years, Casimiro Sainz, probably in the company of friends and colleagues take cities near Madrid: Toledo, Ávila, Soria and Segovia. They found suitable places where inspiration. The particular English and warm light was also perfect for what I wanted or sought. Thus, at this point, it is Toledo (The Cigarral) (c. 1877), Ávila (c. 1877), The gate of Alfonso VI in Toledo (1877), Calle de la Virgen de Gracia de Toledo (1879) or Calle de Santa Ursula. Toledo (1879).

Calle de la Virgen de Gracia de Toledo. 1879. Oil on canvas. 20.5 x 13.5 cm. Private collection. Reinosa.

Together with its partners, Casimiro Sainz Madrid seeks outdoor places where inspiration. So in the Retiro Park, the Botanical Garden and, especially, on the banks of the Manzanares, places suitable for inspiration. Minute paints landscapes in which seamlessly integrates the human figure, optical scale adequate for the role it has precisely the landscape. In many cases, there are known buildings in the distance of Madrid. Washing worth mentioning (c. 1877), On the source of San Antonio de la Florida (c. 1877) or washers in Manzanares (c. 1877), whose support iconographic repeated at the National Exhibition of 1881. In many cases, there is a reminiscence tardorromántica, based on the light treatment, aided by human-painting not as essence but as a simple accompaniment and optical-scale effect and the detailed technical
. 1877. Oil on tabla.23, 8 x 14.2 cm. Private Collection. Madrid.

Washerwomen in the Manzanares. 1879. Oil on canvas. 50 x 30 cm. Private collection.

At the source of San Antonio de la Florida. 1877. Oil on lienzo.44, 5 x 24.5 cm. LL Collection

The Mists of Tzara. 1874. Oil on canvas. 36 x 55.7 cm. Marcelino Botin Foundation. Santander.

La Vega de Matamoros. 1879. Oil on canvas. 12.6 x 22.3 cm. Private collection.

Matamorosa. 1881. Oil on canvas. 9.8 x 16.5 cms. Private collection. Madrid.

The well of love. 1881. Oil on canvas. 38.5 x 26 cms. Private collection. Lion.

pots of flowers. 1880-1881. Oil on canvas. 75 x 48.4 cm. Private collection. Madrid.

The river and the Sierra del Guadarrama. 1879-1880. Oil on canvas. 15 x 30 cm. Madrid private collection.

In the orchard of Toledo. 1879-1880. Oil on canvas. 24 x 46.5 cm. BCSantander collection.

Ebro (Sources Ebro) 1885. Oil on canvas. 50.5 x 37.7 cm. Private collection. Santander.

Haven. 1884. Oil on canvas. 15.3 x 26 cms. Private collection. Madrid.

Ávila. 1877. Oil on canvas. 47 x 70.2 cm. Private collection. Madrid.

trees in bloom. 1878. Oil on canvas. 17.9 x 11.9 cm. Private collection. Madrid.

In other examples, it factors in closed forests, seeking and getting good lighting effects of leaks, as in Forest or sisters Corner of forest, both also from 1878. Diaphanous light so brilliantly and had to take, by force, the practice of naturalism fully modern, not exercised continuously, sometimes certain involutions warning, perhaps due to mental slumps. They are very eloquent and surprising, for example, trees in bloom (1878) or closing the road (c. 1878), both privately owned Madrid, where the absolute freedom of brushwork and luminous clarity together in an obvious reference to Aureliano of Beruete. Both painters had to know and are known to Beruete liked to exchange small works among friends and colleagues. Not surprisingly, therefore, that in the famous solo exhibition dedicated to Casimiro Sainz, organized by the Circle Leisure, which took place in 1899, stating two works Cantabrian Beruete property.

Vista de Madrid. 1879. Oil on canvas. 37.5 x 46.4 cm. Private collection. Madrid.

Castilian landscape. 1879-1880. Oil on canvas. 33 x 45.8 cm. BC Library Santander.

Huerta. 1879-1880. Oil on canvas. 20.5 x 28.5 cm. Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya. Barcelona


forest. 1878. Oil on tabla.24, 7 x 14.9 cm. Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes de Santander.

And indeed, we come to their masterpieces, of an artist like few others: The Cigarral of Toledo (c. 1879-1880), privately owned Santander, la Huerta ( c. 1879-1880), National Art Museum of Barcelona. The peak of its modernity and courage plastic, its bright, supported in the act of execution, you can admire the Castilian landscape (c. 18791880) (private collection of Santander), his artistic testament, and in the river and the Sierra Guadarrama (c. 1879-1880) (private collection in Madrid). In them, say that Beruete or Sainz Sainz or Beruete are the same hand that held, it would be a mistake. Although Sainz looks ahead, being more in line pictorial of Martin Rico. Do not lose sight that takes place with only twenty-six or twenty-seven years young and still fresh, personality, training and intuition to stand as important artist of rupture, quietly, get, being all a pleasant surprise.


Saiz (Matamoros, March 4, 1853 - Madrid, August 19, 1898) is a English painter noted for his landscapes and interior scenes.
was the son of Francisco Sainz Martinez Burgos farrier or veterinarian who married in Matamoros (Campoo Enmedio in Cantabria) with plate-Ignacia Mantecón Saiz. It was the last of ten children of the marriage. Her mother died of cholera in the eleven months of the birth of Casimiro. At thirteen
(1866), was sent to Madrid to work in the grocery business of his brother. There he received his first drawing classes. Physical problems, is unable to work and back to Matamoros.
The appearance of a white swelling in the lower joint of the left hip, will condition the rest of his life, both physically and emotionally, causing him mental disorders.
At seventeen years, thanks to a grant from the Diputación de Santander returns to Madrid to study at the Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, with his teachers, among others, Palmaroli Vicente and Carlos de Haes.
Between 1875 and 1881 lived in Madrid, Toledo, Avila and Segovia. In 1881 he won prizes at the National Exhibition. In the summer of 1878 showed signs of mental illness, the worsening health, went to Matamoros in 1881, to recover. Here he painted many landscapes, which are among the most celebrated of his work.
Cleared to some extent, returned to Madrid in 1884. Participated in the Exhibition of the Society of Writers and Artists, with good reviews. During this period, even going economic woes but gets the exclusive sale of his work with famed Peter Bosch dealer to help you get by, but the abusive conditions of the dealer make in 1886 will suffer eviction
February 21 in 1890 he entered the asylum of Dr. José María Esquerdo in Carabanchel. The Provincial Government granted him a pension that was used to pay the hospital stay. Got the new award at the National Exhibition of 1890.
In recent years, his illness prevented him from painting. Died from of purulent infection in his leg. He was buried in the Cemetery of Carabanchel.
The news of his death, is knowing in the artistic fields and in 1899 the Circulo de Bellas Artes, performs a tribute show with over 107 works by the author. The total success, therefore, that even the Queen Maria Cristina and Infanta Isabel attend the shows. Time from which his name began to be reassessed.
In 1922, his remains were moved to Reinosa, where they are buried under a sculpture by Victorio Macho.
Among other honors, has dedicated street lanes in Santander and Torrelavega, and is named the Public School of Matamoros. Work

Rest, Third Class Medal at the National Exhibition of 1876. The table gives a corner Palmaroli study, with a model and a painter (the young Cuban artist Eduardo Pelayo). _

Tetuan Street, behind the Church of the Carmen de Madrid. _

Views of a garden, Second Class Medal at the National Exhibition of 1881, painted in the garden of the District of Pozas. Views

a greenhouse _

Campoo While in many works painted mountain landscapes, among which are: A flock near a monastery (refers to Montesclaros), the guardian of the house (1883) , Collegiate Cervatos, Campurriano landscape, View of the Vega de Matamoros, Montesclaros Procession.
The most prominent of all and possibly his most famous work is The Birth of the Ebro, which won second prize at the National Exhibition of 1890.
On the same subject painted Fuentes del Ebro, presented at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts in 1892.
(Information obtained from Wikipedia)
Source: FORUM XERBAR. Source texts
before Biographical Record: The unfinished work of art by Casimiro Sainz
Saiz (1853-1898)
Salvador Carretero Rebes

NOTE: Editing comments is going down, because it has created a large space I can not get deleted. I apologize.





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