Saturday, February 19, 2011

What Colors Look Good With A Light Jean Skirt

CASIMIRO SAINZ SAIZ. 1853 1898 - Cantabria, Madrid. Neoclassicism, Realism, Naturalism. SAINZ CASIMIRO

TO PIANO, 1875

by the fireplace.

Without finishing his studies, painting and Saiz Casimiro Sainz tends toward a precious concept and interior, while the exterior landscape, if Public Source Madrid (1875) (Municipal Museum of Madrid) where little work mules and water carriers operating in a fountain, Madrid's Paseo de las Delicias. But as we say, in these years the Spaniard works interior works with certain price, to painting gallant, surely influenced by one of his teachers, Vicente Palmaroli, which brought this fashion Paris, though, and were eloquent Rosales wins and Fortuny. To quote Al piano (c. 1875), and Portrait of a Gentleman (1875) (private collection of Santander) and, more interestingly, by the fireplace (c. 1875), which already warns Sainz to set in the interior, in the collection of details, with hints of sweet oriental in the female figure, so fashionable at the time. These small works, eminently bourgeois, yet have a matte appearance, with lighting and barely contained even brighter.


THE SCULPTOR IN THE STUDY. 1876 \u200b\u200b

With Lady on the desktop (1875) (private collection Burgos), Sainz walking steadily towards the gallant precious interior painting, very far Rosales, with special care and sensual qualities of the fabrics, the collection of a very moment-writing a secret letter that the lady is absorbed, and brighter lighting, and we demonstrate this trend. Major progress is evident in the sculptor in his studio (1876), with the scene of an anonymous fellow artists working the red wax, and light, the treatment of fabrics, objects and furniture, tell us reliably determined aesthetic stance Sainz.

THE REST. STUDY OF THE PAINTER. What did you think?

masterpiece of this period protopreciosista-between 1874 and 1881 - is the famous painting Rest, painter's studio, What to think? (1876), the Museo del Prado, with whom he appeared at the National Fine Arts in the year of its implementation. The stay is in line with the study of Vincent Palmaroli, apart from a few texts that bear witness to this, the carpet that appears in the play is present in any work Palmaroli as Comedian. Caring for detail, thoroughness, and achieved excellent side-light of obvious reference in the classic Dutch painting, and capturing everyday moment, magnified a work that won a third medal. The artist appears in the play can be your colleague and friend Eduardo Pelayo.



Among the commissioned portraits are preserved The mother of the bride (1877), represents the woman who ran a pension Sainz in Madrid where he lived time, "(private collection Reinosa), the portrait dead mother (1879) (Museo del Prado) with the identity of that person. Both show an excellent performance, a mixture of grim realism, where the elderly can not be hidden. Since 1877, one notices a preponderance of the exterior paint. The general concept will come naturally to Carlos de Haes, helped also by the environment of their peers and friends (Pelayo, Cutanda, Carpio Fernández, Arredondo ...). Even so, maintains and increases the price in the magnificent fan Lady (1877) (private collection Reinosa). This table, close to Rosaliana approaches, still immersed in flirty patterns and anecdotal, bourgeois. Take care of both the female character as the landscape, possibly EI Madrid Retiro a particularly attractive lighting.

Sources: The same as the previous post.


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