Thursday, May 19, 2011

Do You Have To Boil Peppers Before Roasting

Robert Pattinson: An actor in search of new horizons

Actor Robert Pattinson has plans to 2012. The film "Bel Ami" (pictured), directed by British filmmakers Declan Donnellan and Nick Ormerod, is the next installment that Pattinson will star alongside actress Christina Ricci. History will note the rise of a young man in Paris to power through the manipulation of the most influential women in France.

also be released in November Dawn: Part I ", first chapter of the fourth installment of the series" Twilight ", which will play Edward Cullen, who discovers his girlfriend Bella Swan is about to give birth to a son who will threaten the clan.

In 2012, the second chapter of "Breaking Dawn" will end one of the most successful vampire stories of the last decade. And that same year Pattinson participate in "Cosmopolis", directed by David Cronenberg.

Source: lacapital

Via: Diariotwilight
via TAr


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