Monday, May 16, 2011

Rsvp Wording In Spanish

says: I'm not a romantic person

I am NOT a romantic
De vampire Veterinarian: After their performances in the trilogy of Twilight, Robert Pattinson (24) maintains its image today days as the greatest idol in adolescence, is the love of Jacob cheeked veterinarian in the new film "Water for Elephants."
In his private life seems to be easy in love. When asked about his relationship with Kristen Stewart, Rob told the TZ-Hollywood correspondent Dierk Sindermann:
"I like being in love." Does this prove all the rumors about the breakup with Kristen Stewart? Rob confirms
"At this moment I am busy promoting my new film Water for Elephants"
So you have no time for romance?
Robert Pattinson: In general I am a romantic person. When I was 14, put a flower in the seat of a classmate. She thought it was someone else. (Laughter) I decided it was my purpose of being romantic.
Let's try it with reality. What is the ideal quality you look for in a woman?
Robert Pattinson: Your sense of independence. In a relationship you run the risk of mixing characters.
Speaking of kisses. There has been a celebrity auction, where a kiss from you has been auctioned. For $ 20 000 ...

To what extent are you committed to (which cause you support)?

Robert Pattinson: I was involved with the World Wildlife Fund, for the protection of tigers. They are endangered animals.

Sorry Rob, but Leonardo di Caprio was the first.

Robert Pattinson: Really ..? what is really in my heart, it's important that children receive an education. I would like to join an organization that encourages children to read books.

Do you have time for this? Water for Elephants is in theaters and is now shooting the final of the Twilight Saga. Two places at once.
Robert Pattinson: It feels like it was a vampire all mivida. I can not wait to get rid of Makeup.

and finally to get rid of those glasses for contact with blood.

How was the change from working with circus animals?

Robert Pattinson: Great. Finally no egos on set. Not even for the biggest star.
Reese Witherspoon?
Robert Pattinson: No, Rosie, the elephant.

How did you win your heart?
Robert Pattinson: With a lot of Jelly Beans.

Who understand better? the elephant or your fans?
Robert Pattinson: The elephant. Of course. Because there is logic in his game.

If you give your favorite foods, making tricks .. (Laughter) I have not figured out how this works with my fans.
Maybe I should have become a vetenerian rather than playing one in a movie?

Robert Pattinson: That would not be for me. As a veterinarian you have to keep animal suffering in perspective.

I can not do this. My heart is bleeding. I am one of those guys who have adopted a comprehensive animal shelter.

Who do you prevent it?

Robert Pattinson: Kristen Thank God that was with me. So I just adapted a dog. A stray dog. We called him Bear.

If you could be any animal, what would it be?

Robert Pattinson: Maybe a rat. Sometimes I feel like one (smiles). No, seriously, I want to be a dog. It fits my lifestyle. If I had to be every day in front of cameras for 16 or 17 hours then would come over there, watch TV and do nothing.
Do you think the boom stops Twilight after Breaking Dawn?

Robert Pattinson: all the talk around me, has something to do with Twilight.

And that's why it will end after this, I hope. Because I have a boring life.

will not have any symptoms of withdrawal when the girls stop harassing you and follow you?

Robert Pattinson: their love is not mine, but rather a fictional character.
And this confusion applies to all ages. Recently a woman followed me at the airport with his autograph book.

Use all their weapons. "Robert I love you", "Robert you really want," Robert you have no idea how much I love you "

I asked" How old are you "Your answer "92"

not this fun?
Robert Pattinson: Really. But 12 years say the same.

How to secure your girlfriend do not have to be jealous of all your fans?
Robert Pattinson: Not sleeping with them. Oh God, that sounded horrible!

As discussed in mid-April, rumor has it that the first trailer for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 debut in 2011 at the MTV Movie Awards, and now some details have been revealed on first trailer that can hold.
Sérgio Sá Leitão, Riofilme president who helped in the Brazilian production of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, according to her Twitter says "I noticed today that the first trailer for Dawn has four spectacular scenes filmed in Rio de Janeiro. That will air on MTV Movie Awards. "Sérgio
Sá Leitão was the original source, which indicated that the trailer will appear at the MTV Movie Awards, though many fans expected the same based on the story of the relationship of the Twilight series' with that event. As noted before, this is not an "official" confirmation of this information, as Leitão is not a direct spokesman for Summit Entertainment, but is more credible than most.
moments filmed last winter in Brazil includes the scene for your honeymoon with Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson), which was witnessed by many fans in the street and is previewed in the previous still image from the film. In addition, there was a boat sequence, filming at Home in Paraty (Aka "Isle Esme"), a cascading sequence, and some others on the beach. Pick-ups for some of the beach scenes were in the Caribbean in late April, the last scenes of fact, from now, at least, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson of Twilight series.
The MTV Movie Awards will take place on June 5 in Los Angeles, California. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse and the cast were nominated in six categories, and voting is open until 4 June.
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 U.S. release date is November 18, 2011, and some of the international release dates of the film are presented here.



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